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$109 Billion

Why Data Literacy?

In the United States the cost of data overload was $109.4 Billion. Data literacy is no longer a luxury in a world of endless data it is an absolute necessity. Transforming into a data-driven organization will create more data literate employees who are able to work more effectively to create a competitive edge.

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5% Higher Enterprise Value

Who can benefit?

Organizations and individuals that want optimize their career growth opportunities. Current research shows that large enterprises with strong corporate data literacy have seen up to 5% higher enterprise value (a figure of $320 to $534 million).

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Your Roadmap

How we can help?

Data Literacy is not a one-size-all, we can craft a journey for your organization, team and yourself. We are with you every step of the journey starting with a deep dive into engagment and ending with a roadmap on how to navigate in the future.

data literacy roadmap

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Test Your Data IQ

Take our online assessment to see where you rank and whether your company can benefit from our Data Literacy Fundamentals Course.

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Professional Courses

We offer virtual courses for professionals looking to review data literacy fundamentals at their own pace. We also offer tailored data literacy training virtually or in person.

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Team Development

Our skilled instructors will work with your team to learn how to read, analyze, and communicate with data. We also train groups in a variety of different technology solutions.